Support this court case

Clintel is totally independent and does not receive any funding from governments or any foundation. Our support base is you – the thousands of private citizens and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises around the world who are more concerned about the negative effects of judicial climate policies than about climate change itself.

Any one may join our case, without any charge and free of cost, by signing the form for either citizens/lawyers or for scientists.

We also need your financial support, however. Friends of the Earth raised more than 500,000 euros for the appeal case. They recently raised their goal to 650,000 euros (possibly due to the intervention by Clintel). Clintel will need to raise a similar amount to make a real impact and have a shot at correcting the outcome. We made a good start and already raised more than 100,000 euros.

Please consider providing financial support. If you prefer to use PayPal, click here. Please reference “climate case”.

For other payment options go here. Please reference “climate case”.

You can also wire transfer your donation straight to our bank account. Please reference “climate case”.

Our banking details are NL25 INGB 0008 0432 95 on the name of Climate Intelligence Foundation.

You might also need the following details:
Swift-code (BIC): INGBNL2A
ING Bank NV Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800, 1000 BV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

In The Netherlands, Clintel holds so-called ANBI status, which implies that donations are tax-deductible.